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Some may like vampires and werewolves. Others like Orcs and Elves, and Dragons and Wizards. And still, some like space invaders and science-fiction fighters, with lasery-type swords and weapons. For us, we love Super Heroes, and more particularly, the idea of Super Powerful Females!

But for some of us, it goes even further, -and the only thing more exciting and enticing than the idea of an incredible Super Woman, who possesses incredible Super Strength, is the idea of a Super Powerful Goddess, who has unlimited Cosmic Super Strength! A female character who can easily out-match, out-class, and over-power all the greats including Superman, the Incredible Hulk, and all their most powerful allies and enemies that exist within their worlds and Universe, and all at the same time!

So welcome to UPCSG Art, an acronym for Ultra Powered Cosmic Super Goddess!

This site brings some of the things we love, themes and pics of an incredibly powerful Cosmic Super Goddess, who will not only grow to be so powerful that she can lift the weight of mountains, or even continents, but who will eventually become so strong, she'll be able to catch asteroids, and toss planets with masses greater than Jupiter through the galaxies, and who will only keep getting infinitely stronger!

While there might be other powerful females in some of this artwork, most of it is going to celebrate Rayo-Shel. A beautiful, yet exceptionally powerful red-haired Super Goddess, born of the Gods of Krypton. As the main character featured in our artwork, we find in her, not only a Super Woman with super strength, nor a Super Goddess with cosmic strength, but eventually becoming an Ultra Powerful Cosmic Super Goddess, with unlimited Super Cosmic Strength, that will only keep growing without limit!

Inspiration: Rayo-Shel's back-story.

Some may remember Cythonna, another powerful Kryptonian Super Goddess who appeared in a Superman Comic, “The Last God of Krypton”. This character was an ancient Goddess of Krypton, who was on the level of strength and power with Rao. (Another character and God of the Kryptonians)

In the actual comic, she easily trumped the Man of Steel by effortlessly smacking and tossing him around. The fight was entirely one-sided, until Superman, having no ability to match her strength, flew into space, and close to the Sun.


Being that Rao was her Universal opposite, giving Light and Life to Suns, the Goddess of Darkness, Cold, and Void, was weakened by being too close to the Sun, so that Superman could now stand a chance at matching her incredible strength. Using the aid of Lois who was operating a giant Kryptonic warrior battle suit, as well as a Kryptonian grenade that Superman had been concealing, they were able to eventually knock Cythonna into the pull of the Sun, where we are lead to believe it was all over.

*Where our story continues from here*

But this is only the beginning for us. In our story, Cythonna, being pulled into the Sun, is not destroyed by it, nor is she even weakened by it, but instead, learns how to use the power of the the Sun, to exponentially magnify her already God-like Super Strength. Now, not only does she have her original God-like Super Strength that's already hundreds, if not, thousands of times more powerful than any Super Man or Woman from Krypton, but the original strength of a Kryptonian Super Goddess who's now absorbing and multiplying it from the Suns; the offspring of her once comparable foe. In short, her own strength and powers are endlessly being charged and multiplied against those of Rao's strength and power, so that she is now the most powerful being in the Universe. At least for now in our story.

After being enhanced beyond what seemed possible, she eventually finds the great God Rao, and now, being thousands of times stronger than him, makes him her mate against his own will. Of course, this didn't come without a fight, in which she had to toss him around and over-power him as well, to show him that she was now his Goddess, and that the strength of a Krytonian Super God, was now nothing to her. Having her mate, she became pregnant. And this is where our Cosmic Super Goddess Rao-Shel comes from!

An Ultra Powerful, Cosmic Super Goddess, “Rao-Shel” is born.

Being born from the direct power of her mother and father, she's inherited both of their powers, so that they, like her mom, continuously multiply against themselves. Only, more severely, since this unlimited power is born directly into her Super Goddess' Cells and DNA, meaning she will eventually become stronger than her mother.

Where most of our stories and art work take off: Rao-Shel is indeed powerful, but only at her beginning of discovering her vast and incredible cosmic super-strength. Still, she's already either becoming, or already as strong, or, stronger than powerful heroes like Superman, the Incredible Hulk, and He Man. It just depends on the story context of the picture being presented; ie: a picture when she first arrives to earth, first testing her powers and barely becoming strong, or a picture where she's tossing around one of these great heroes without effort. We'll leave it to the enjoyer's imagination!

But one thing is certain, in our story and fantasy, she will eventually become the most powerful being in the Universe, and has no limit to how strong she's going to become, as anything that challenges her strength, like the weight and mass of a planet, causes her to grow and become stronger, by the power of her DNA and the Cosmic Super Goddess Cells that comprise her, and that automatically charge and feed off the energy of the stars.

This young red-haired Goddess loves to show off her incredible, vastly powered Cosmic Super Strength as well as her beauty. Being the most beautiful woman the Universe has ever laid eyes on, and having a body that only a Ultra Powerful Cosmic Super Goddess like her could have, and, the apparent age of a 25 year old female, who's immortal and never going to age beyond, she loves to show off her unstoppable strength and power, while wearing not more than her boots, arm wraps, cape, and that tiny thong bikini and top, all made from a special material, but a uniform that nonetheless that teases us and leaves very little to the imagination.

There is no nudity in these pictures, as it's both fun and sexy to leave something to the imagination and “tease factor”, and, as these works are not intended to be pornographic.

*Concerning “Rachel” from our friend SuperCDR.

Is this character intended to be a “rip-off” of his great and incredible work? Well, yes and no. What we mean is, indeed, they share similarities. Both possess incredible and seemingly unlimited Cosmic Super Strength. While both have fiery red hair and strut around their Super Goddess powers in tiny skimpy black bikinis. And finally we have their names, “Rachel”, and “Rao-Shel”.

It would be a lie to say that SuperCDR's “Rachel”, especially the way she's portrayed in her animated “Unstoppable” part 1, and even more, part 2 are not by far, the best and most favorite original works concerning Super Powerful Females out there that this artist has seen and been able to enjoy! As well, it would be a lie to say that seeing his work did not inspire this artist to acquire the software and learn how to use it, in order to create what's always been a fantasy of my own. So, there is indeed a somewhat hopeful connection to be made within the fantasy of this artwork, and the reader's imaginations, between these two characters.

However, before SuperCDR had brought us Rachel, this artist had always envisioned his Super Goddess with the same kind of fiery red hair, and of course, in nothing but a tiny black bikini. Bikinis because I mean, come on, their freakin hot the way they tease us, and being a man's fantasy, she's not going to be covering too much! Black because it was dark, and sexy that she's just a touch evil as she's effortlessly over-powering the good guys. And finally red hair, because it was unique and different from the common hair colors of blonde or brunette. As well, her fiery red hair fits the story, since she's a direct descendent of Rao, who's power gives Light to the Universe and Life to the Stars, and she's supplied with endless power by the Stars and Suns.

So in one sense, yes, she was definitely inspired by SuperCDR's “Rachel”, to whom we'll always gladly promote his work. And at the same time, a red-haired Cosmic Super Goddess in a tiny bikini is what this artist always had in mind. It just took time to learn the software, (to which SuperCDR did give us some helpful advice, and to which we are grateful)

His biggest hangup for combining the two I'm sure, is that he doesn't want to use trademarked characters, which our stories use to explain her origin as already mentioned, along with the desire to have his own back-story for his Rachel, which he undoubtedly worked hard to develop, and to which we completely respect and understand.

But it is our hope to ultimately combine the two in imaginations of those enjoying these works, so that people who love both characters, might be willing to make the leap of logic, and consider them one and the same, perhaps believing that “Rachel” was her name on Earth. (If we are to add even more story to the imagination, and believe she was already existing and growing up with the people of Earth, before she became the incredible Super Goddess she's going to become, in the same way Superman did under the identity of Clark Kent)

Either way, we aren't trying to force that concept onto our friend from SuperCDR. As stated, his work is incredible, and some of the best any of us have seen, and we hope to develop and maintain a friendship, regardless of how he may want to maintain the stories of characters he's worked hard to develop. If he desires to keep his Rachel as she is, and as he's done so well in already creating, than we absolutely respect that.

But in our story, we do borrow inspiration, and change up her origins a bit, so that in our fantasy, the two are in fact the same. In the end, we all love the same thing, Super Sexy, Super Powerful Cosmic Super Goddess with Unlimited Cosmic Super Strength! Either way, we will always support our friend SuperCDR, and his outstanding and incredible work, as he will be considered a friend to us and our works!


*Concerning characters from DC, Marvel, and any others such as Hanna-Barbara's He Man: These pictures are not for monetary gain or profit, but freely placed on this site for the enjoyment of fun, art, fantasy, and imagination. They are not endorsed by the owners of rights to the above names, and again, not made for profit when containing these and other trademarked characters.

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